- 所属分类:
- 作者:
陈素花 主编
- 出版社:
- ISBN:9787300148502
- 出版日期:2012-2-1
Outsourcing、A Day at Work、Cultural Aspects、Communication
Practices、Business Meetings、Dealing with Customers、Project
Management与Career Development。每个单元由Starting Up、Listening &
Speaking Skills Development、Reading、Writing、Mini-Project和Tips for
Outsourcing Professionals六个部分组成。
unit 1 understanding outsourcing
part i starting up
part ii listening & speaking skills development
dialogue 1 outsourcing business processes
dialogue 2 opinions about outsourcing
part iii reading
passage 1 what is outsourcing?
passage 2 types of outsourcing
passage 3 india is world’s best outsourcing destination: a.t.
passage 4 2010 top ten world outsourcing companies
part iv writing
business letter of introduction
part v mini-project
part vi tips for outsourcing professionals
skills required by professionals in outsourcing
unit 2 a day at work
part i starting up
part ii listening & speaking skills development
dialogue 1 preparing a teleconference
dialogue 2 the first day in new horizon computers
part iii reading
passage 1 a call center agent’s smile
passage 2 a typical day in the life of a project manager
passage 3 how business outsourcing has reshaped the
passage 4 a day in the life of an it project manager
part iv writing
part v mini-project
part vi tips for outsourcing professionals
work attitude
unit 3 cultural aspects
part i starting up
part ii listening & speaking skills development
text 1 avoiding culture clash
text 2 company culture
part iii reading
passage 1 understanding cultural differences in offshore
passage 2 cultural barriers to offshore outsourcing
passage 3 working environment in infosys
passage 4 key issues in offshore outsourcing
part iv writing
part v mini-project
part vi tips for outsourcing professionals
appreciating cultural differences
unit 4 communication practices
part i starting up
part ii listening & speaking skills development
dialogue one communication problems
dialogue two solving programming problem
part iii reading
passage 1 communication in offshore outsourcing
passage 2 the importance of communication in outsourcing
passage 3 effective communication methods
passage 4 communicating in your organization
part iv writing
work report
part v mini-project
part vi tips for outsourcing professionals
effective communication is vital to success
unit 5 business meeting
part i starting up
part ii listening & speaking skills development
dialogue 1 tomorrow's meeting
dialogue 2 project discussion
part iii reading
passage 1 business meeting etiquette
passage 2 video conferencing - communication made simple
passage 3 what is skype?
passage 4 eight ways to make meetings better
part iv writing
announcement and invitation
part v mini-project
part vi tips for outsourcing professionals
stress management
unit 6 dealing with customers
part i starting up
part ii listening and speaking skills development
text 1 managing outsourcing relationship
text 2 ending a business relationship
part iii reading
passage 1 winning customers through effective telephone
passage 2 convergys corporation——top outsourcing company
passage 3 ways to handle angry customers
passage 4 cautions in outsourcing your customer service
part iv writing
complaint response letter
part v mini-project
part vi tips for outsourcing professionals
skill sets for customer centric jobs
unit 7 project management
part i starting up
part ii listening & speaking skills development
dialogue 1 work assignment
dialogue 2 checking about the project schedule
part iii reading
passage 1 the five steps in the project management life
passage 2 tips on offshore software project management
passage 3 the importance of teamwork
passage 4 something about team building
part iv writing
action plan
part v mini-project
part vi tips for outsourcing professionals
teamwork: a key to successful outsourcing
unit 8 career development
part i starting up
part ii listening & speaking skills development
dialogue 1 making preparations for a job interview
dialogue 2 talking about new job
part iii reading
passage 1 questions to be asked before applying for call center
passage 2 my ibm summer internship
passage 3 recruitment process outsourcing leads to better
passage 4 career plans in your life
part iv writing
résumé and cover letter
partv mini-project
part vi tips for outsourcing professionals
career training
appendix i glossary
appendix ii listening scripts
appendix iii key ito and bpo terms
appendix iv top 100 outsourcing companies of 2010
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